Saturday, October 24, 2009

Things I Have Learned From My Brother, Scott

Hey Fans:

My brother, Scott, is turning 39 today. In honor of his birthday and because I'm involuntarily retired, I thought I would blog about what my brother has taught me.

5. Bald is Beautiful. Why freak out, do comb-overs or wear a rug when your bald melon is sexy?

4. Do not take the training wheels off your bike to compete with your brother. If he learns to ride a bike first, except it. Don't try to beat him - it will only end with you missing a few teeth and wondering why your crotch hurts so bad from the boy-bike you were riding.

3. Sucking up to teachers leads to good grades. Scott actually convinced my grandparents to give him $10,000 for straight A's in his senior year of high school. He accomplished this by studying, but his flattery skills helped enormously. BTW, he got the money...

2. Using a sled-shaped coffee table to slide down a grass hill is not a good idea - especially on the night before your wedding and you have been drinking. Trust me - nothing good can come from that.

1. Being a good father to 3 beautiful girls is the epitomy of being a man. Scott, I couldn't have asked for a better brother...ok, actually I did and got Steve, but you are tops in my book!