Monday, February 4, 2008

An Open Letter to My High School Teachers

Welcome to Day 4 of Laurakah!
I've been doing some know, a retrospective look at all the experiences that shaped me. It's impossible to do that without thinking back to the time in my life that was both awesome and a nightmare at the same time. Let me say this - I have deep respect for teachers - and would like to think I have made them proud (except for my geography teacher because, well, I can't even point Canada out on a map)...

Remember when you told me that I needed to learn Algebra/Trigonometry because I would use it later in life?

You were wrong. I don’t use it. I don’t remember it. I can use a calculator and operate an excel spreadsheet just fine, thank you! Ok - I can't operate an excel spreadsheet, but I know people who can...

Remember when you told me that I should pay attention because no one would ever PAY me to talk?

You were wrong. I DO get paid to talk. I talk all the time: phone, cell phone, e-mail, presentations, negotiations – I think there is even a degree you can earn in college….B.S. (It just stands for something different in my world.) Basically, my whole day is spent talking and guess what? People actually wait on hold to talk to me – they leave me messages asking me to call them. And get this, I get paid to do this!

Remember when you told me I needed to climb the rope in gym class?

What the hell for? I have never, ever even been close to being in a situation where I need that skill! What were you thinking?!

Remember when you told me I shouldn’t write notes?

Yeah, another wrong turn for ya – I write notes all the time: thank you notes, notes to files, e-mails. In fact, this may have been the most useful thing I learned in High School with the notable exception of typing – THAT I use all the time.

Remember when you told me that I shouldn’t socialize so much in class?

I get paid to socialize. Of course, it is called “networking” in the grown-up world. In fact, that’s my whole job. And guess what? I’m good at it!
So remember this kids - do your homework, pay attention in class and respect your teachers. You can forget all the dumb stuff they taught you later!

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