Friday, February 15, 2008

Pet Peeve #1

Yeah...we all have 'em - a pet peeve or two. I didn't really even discover how much this little ditty annoyed me until the other night.

At my work I serve on a lot of committees - and they mostly meet in the evenings. Therefore, I'm usually the last one out the door and heading home later than the average bear. The other night I jumped into the car prepared to play my favorite game on the way home (it's called 4 play but it's been expanded to the six pack). I have XM Satellite radio and I start at the 70's station, go to the 80's, 90's, soft rock, sunny rock then love songs. The goal is to name title and artist on all six stations. My personal best is 6 times hitting the six pack.

Ok, so I'm on the road (admittedly rockin' out to a Def Leppard tune on the 80's station) and I notice this tiny little car beside me. Contained in this tin can on wheels is a couple of guys who looked like they had just gotten off work at a construction site (I'm not looking down on them - my hubby is in construction). I guess they saw the blonde hair and decided that I would just voluntarily give them my ten digits. Really - when was the last time that move worked for ya, guys? Seriously...some blonde driving in a nice SUV just rolls down the window and shouts her phone number to a couple of guys? And then when I ignore you, I'm a bitch? That's how the game works?

Hubby is a biker - with a really nice bike. He's told me stories of getting flashed by girls. I say "Good for You" that bike is finally paying off. It's not something I've ever done to a biker, but hey, god bless ya chippies who think it's fun. What is not fun is all the delivery vans, truckers and just plain sleezy dudes who think it's cool to write "Flash Friday" or "Leg Check 15 feet ahead" in the dirt on the back of your rig.

Don't get me wrong - there's nothing I like more than attention - after all, it's "Lights, Camera, Laura". And getting looked at is nice - especially for a girl who grew up with a mom who looked like Lonnie Anderson and 2 BFF's who are smokin' hot. And don't get me wrong - there is nothing better than a bunch of cute guys smiling and waving or a bunch of young kids who think I'm a MILF. But come on - do we need to have the talk about who is in your league and who is not?

Ok - I guess we do. I have a lot of "Stupid Laura Theories" (not to be confused with "Stupid Laura Trivia"):

1) Guys will attract the best women they can afford; and
2) Guys don't realize who is and who is not in their league.

Think about it -how many times have you seen a gorgeous woman with a really ugly rich dude? And how many times have you girls been hit on by a guy who doesn't realize that the sum total of who you are and what you've become is from already having dated in the minors?

I once heard a comedian say that our license plates should be our cell phone numbers - and it seemed like a really good idea when I used to get road rage - but now I'm not so sure I could handle all the calls......

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